الموضوع: Askin the explanation of QS. Az-Zumar 39: verse 23

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  1. افتراضي Askin the explanation of QS. Az-Zumar 39: verse 23

    Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    I sincerely salute Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Alyamani the caliph of Allah on earth, my name is Chilmi bin Hasbullah -حلمى بن حزب الله-
    (supporter of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Alyamani). I would like an explanation of the following verse:

    Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :

    اَللّٰهُ نَزَّلَ اَحْسَنَ الْحَدِيْثِ كِتٰبًا مُّتَشَا بِهًا مَّثَا نِيَ ۖ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُوْدُ الَّذِيْنَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ۚ ثُمَّ تَلِيْنُ جُلُوْدُهُمْ وَقُلُوْبُهُمْ اِلٰى ذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ ۗ ذٰلِكَ هُدَى اللّٰهِ يَهْدِيْ بِهٖ مَنْ يَّشَآءُ ۗ وَمَنْ يُّضْلِلِ اللّٰهُ فَمَا لَهٗ مِنْ هَا دٍ

    (QS. Az-Zumar 39: verse 23)

    I wish I could get a good response، thank you!


  2. افتراضي

    peace an forgivness of allah be upon you and all our brothers and sisters in allah's love
    and may Allah guide by you and our beloved brother Zet Suhud all indonesia trully my lord is the all mercyfull

    here you a:

    Quote from the stattement of the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani

    As for regarding to explain the word Mathani in the word of Allah the Most High:
    {Allah has revealed the best announcement, a Book consistent, Mathani, whereat do shudder the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts soften to Allah’s remembrance. This is Allah’s guidance — He guides with it whom He pleases. And he whom Allah leaves in error, there is no guide for him.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zumar] 39:23
    {اللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحْسَنَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابًا مُتَشَابِهًا مَثَانِيَ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُودُ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ثُمَّ تَلِينُ جُلُودُهُمْ وَقُلُوبُهُمْ إِلَى ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ذَلِكَ هُدَى اللَّهِ يَهْدِي بِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ هَادٍ}
    صدق الله العظيم [الزمر:23].

    Allah the Most High gave you fatwa that
    the book of Allah its verses are consist of two kinds decisive and similar (allegorical)
    . In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High:
    {He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive — they are the basis of the Book — and others are similar (allegorical). Then those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. And none knows its interpretation save Allah, and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord. And none mind except men of understanding.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Emran] 3:7
    {هُوَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ مِنْهُ آيَاتٌ مُحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ وَأُخَرُ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ زَيْغٌ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ مَا تَشَابَهَ مِنْهُ ابْتِغَاءَ الْفِتْنَةِ وَابْتِغَاءَ تَأْوِيلِهِ وَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَ آمَنَّا بِهِ كُلٌّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رَبِّنَا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّا أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ}
    صدق الله العظيم [آل عمران:7].

    Therefore the Book is consisting of two categories, a decisive part and a similar part, and that’s because it is being similar with the decisive in the pronunciation and differs in the explanation. And I give you an example on that, so what follows is from the decisive part. Allah the Most High said:
    {..And kill not yourselves. Surely Allah is ever Merciful to you.(29) And whoso does this aggressively and unjustly, We shall soon cast him into fire. And this is ever easy for Allah.(30)}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:29-30
    {وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا ﴿29﴾ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَٰلِكَ عُدْوَانًا وَظُلْمًا فَسَوْفَ نُصْلِيهِ نَارًا ۚ وَكَانَ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّـهِ يَسِيرًا ﴿30﴾}
    صدق الله العظيم [النساء].

    And what follows is from the similar part. And Allah the Most High said:
    {..and kill yourselves. That is best for you with your Creator. So He turned to you (mercifully). Surely He is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:54
    {فَاقْتُلُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ ذَلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ عِنْدَ بَارِئِكُمْ فَتَابَ عَلَيْكُمْ}
    صدق الله العظيم [البقرة:54].

    And the Quran is (Mathani) a pair of decisive and similar
    so if you left the decisive and followed the similar you strayed a far astray because the similar differs with the decisive in the apparent of it despite the utterance is similar and differs in its interpretation from the apparent of it, but if you followed the apparent of the similar (allegorical) you will stray from the equitable path and that’s because its interpretation differs from the apparent of it, and Allah made the Awaited Mahdi to compass the explanation of the decisive of it and the similar of it (allegorical), and I still debate with you in the decisive of until I uphold the argument against you.

    O my honorable brother, (Al-Mathani is Al-Muthana) indeed only
    the pair is the two
    , a clear Arabic Quran. As like the word of Allah the Most High:
    {Say: I exhort you only to one thing, that you rise up for Allah’s sake (Mathna) by twos and singly; then ponder! There is no madness in your companion. He is only a warner to you before a severe chastisement.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Saba] 34:46
    {قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَعِظُكُمْ بِوَاحِدَةٍ أَنْ تَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ مَثْنَى وَفُرَادَى ثُمَّ تَتَفَكَّرُوا مَا بِصَاحِبِكُمْ مِنْ جِنَّةٍ إِنْ هُوَ إِلا نَذِيرٌ لَكُمْ بَيْنَ يَدَيْ عَذَابٍ شَدِيدٍ}
    صدق الله العظيم [سبأ:46].

    So (Al-Mathna) the pair is two and (Furada) the single is one. And Allah the Most High said:
    {And if you fear that you cannot do justice to orphans, marry such women as seem good to you, (Mathna) two, or three, or four; but if you fear that you will not do justice, then (marry) only one or that which your right hands possess. This is more proper that you may not do injustice.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:3
    {فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَى وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً}
    صدق الله العظيم [النساء:3]

    {مَثْنَى} {وَثُلَاثَ} {وَرُبَاعَ}

    But (Al-Makarama) who they follow conjecture said that Al-Mathna is meant with it four and the three is meant with is six and the four is meant with it eight, so they marry eight of the free women, Allah’s curse be on them how they are turned away who they say against Allah what they do not know by following the conjecture which does not avail a thing from the Truth, so they strayed themselves and made their nation to stray so they bear the burden of themselves and the burden of their nation. Confirming with the word of Allah the Most High:
    {That they may bear their burdens in full on the day of Resurrection, and also of the burdens of those whom they lead astray without knowledge. Ah! evil is what they bear.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl}16:25
    {لِيَحْمِلُواْ أَوْزَارَهُمْ كَامِلَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَمِنْ أَوْزَارِ الَّذِينَ يُضِلُّونَهُم بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ أَلاَ سَاء مَا يَزِرُونَ}
    صدق الله العظيم [النحل:25].

    So be ware of the warning from explaining the Reminder without knowledge from Allah, and is the reason that the nation of Islam had strayed from the equitable path except because following conjecture which bears the right and bears the wrong? But a miracle in the Book that any scholar says about Allah with conjecture it should not be for him that he speaks by the Truth so he does not say against Allah what he does not know that it is the Truth from Allah.

    As for your question that you said to me in it as follows:

    (Here I direct a question and I say to you: O virtuous Imam, do you say of Allah without knowledge? How do you say Allah is Great when Ihram, and Allah is Great when kneeling, and in all the movements of the prayer, so what is your evidence on saying Allah is Great??? Why I do not say Allah at Ihram, and Allah when kneeling and in all the movement of prayer without any addition??? Or I say Allah is Great at Ihram and glory be to Allah when kneeling and thus I change in the utterance. So what is the evidence from the Quran on the description of prayer and the manner for it?)
    انتهى الاقتباس
    Then I respond to you with the definitive convincing evidence. Allah the Most High said:
    {..And utter not your prayer loudly nor be silent in it, and seek a way between these.(110) And say: Praise be to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and Who has not a partner in the kingdom, and Who has not a helper because of weakness; and proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him).(111)}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:110-111
    {وَلَا تَجْهَرْ بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتْ بِهَا وَابْتَغِ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ سَبِيلًا ﴿110﴾ وَقُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ شَرِيكٌ فِي الْمُلْكِ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ وَلِيٌّ مِّنَ الذُّلِّ ۖ وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِيرًا﴿111﴾}
    صدق الله العظيم [الإسراء].

    And confirming with the word of Allah the Most High:
    {Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book and keep up prayer. Surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil; and certainly the remembrance of Allah is the greatest. And Allah knows what you do.}
    Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ankaboot] 29:45
    {اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَأَقِمِ الصَّلاَةَ إِنَّ الصَّلاَةَ تَنْهَى عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ وَلَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَكْبَرُ وَاللهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ}
    صدق الله العظيم [العنكبوت:45].

    And we did not explain yet the manner of the prayer, and — O Mushabib, the explanation will be in the prayer of being present (locally in one’s hometown) from the decisive Book, and I give fatwa with right word and not the word of conjecture in fact the decisive word and it is not for amusement, and surely we are truthful.

    O Mushabib how do you give fatwa that I say about Allah what I do not know before you ask about (Al-Takbir) the magnification so I bring to you the proof from the decisive Reminder? O my honorable brother, it was not for the Truth to follow your desires, so if you are one of the scholars of the nation then show your True name and your picture and surely I am capable to bridle you by the Truth, and our fatwa preceded that I do not want to have dialogue in this statement with unknown characters and you have the right to have dialogue with us while you have unknown identity but in statement other than the prayer statement. And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.

    Mufti of the humans the Awaited Mahdi Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.


    End of the Quote

    here you have the source of all the translated statement

    يا رب يا ارحم الراحمين الهم الضالين من العالمين ان يسئلوك رحمتك التي كتبت على نفسك امنن عليهم كما مننت عن ال100000 و علينا كما مننت عن ( او يزيدون) حتى تجعل الناس امة واحدة باذنك حتى يكون ذلك اليوم من خير ايام الدنيا و من خير ايامنا فيها و اجعل الهم خير ايامنا يوم لقائك يوم عظيم رضوان نفسك.
    و لا رضا قبلها الا عليك ربا و باسلام دينا و بمحمد عبدك و رسولك و الامام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني عبدك و خليفتك.
    فما هي الوسيلة لترضى و تفرح يا ربي سبحانك؟

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